However, in all probability, educated Americans Will be richer at retirement simply because they will be able to save more along the way and because they are likely to be smarter and can achieve a higher rate of return on their savings. 但是极为可能的是受过良好教育的美国人之所以在退休时更富有是因为他们在过去的岁月里积攒得更多,而且他们可能更明智,获取更高的存款的投资回报率。
Strengthening the health care, retirement and unemployment insurance systems, so that workers feel more secure, might help lower the savings rate somewhat. 加强医疗卫生、退休和失业保险制度,从而提升员工的安全感,这可能在一定程度上有助于降低储蓄率。
The lack of a well-funded and secure safety net, both for healthcare and retirement, is a main reason why the saving rate is excessively high for Chinese households and continues to go higher. 缺乏一个资金充足和安全的社保网络为医疗保健和退休提供保障,这是中国居民的储蓄率居高不下而且仍在上升的主要原因。
As families need to save more to pay off debts and rebuild diminished retirement savings they will consume at a lower rate. 由于家庭需要增加储蓄来偿还债务以及重新增加被削减的退休储蓄,因此他们就会减少消费。
You pay on all that money during retirement when your marginal tax rate is less. 你付出的一切,当你的钱在退休边际税率较低。
Offshore bonds are particularly useful for people close to retirement age who are planning to retire abroad or those who will be paying tax at a lower rate when the bond is encashed. 海外债券特别适合于两类人:一类是接近退休年龄并计划到海外过退休生活的人;另一类是在债券到期时将以较低税率纳税的人。
On Substitute Ratio of Retirement Pension The Sensitive Analysis of the Substitution Rate of Old Age Insurance 养老保险金替代率研究养老金替代率的灵敏性分析
The size of implicit pension debt depends on the coverage of the urban and township pension insurance, the number of retirees, age structure of participants, level of pension payment, retirement age and guaranteed interest rate, etc. 隐性养老金债务的大小主要取决于养老保险覆盖面、退休人数、年龄结构、养老金给付水平、退休年龄以及预定利率等因素。
On Substitute Ratio of Retirement Pension Rate of Re-nurture 养老保险金替代率研究
Life expectancy at retirement is one of key factors related closely with contribution rate of personal account. 平均余命是影响个人账户缴费率的重要因素之一。
Then the result is that extended retirement age can efficiently delay the appearance of high contribution rate. 最后得出结论:延长退休年龄能有效延迟高缴费率的到来。
On the basis of financial balance on half-funded pension, this paper quantitatively analyses the impact of increase of retirement age on the contribution rate. 本文在部分积累制的财务平衡模型的基础上,定量分析了提高退休年龄对缴费率的影响。
In the last part, the paper argues that postponing retirement age can enhance the corporate pension replacement rate of feminine. 最后指出增加企业年金缴费率、推迟退休年龄是提高女性职工企业年金替代率的有效途径。
Building up insurance system including enterprise supplementary retirement pension insurance is a kind of rational selection which can decrease the standard of replacement rate of present basic endowment. 建立包括企业补充养老保险(企业年金计划)在内的多支柱养老保险体系,降低现行基本养老保险的替代率水平,不失为一种理性的选择。
In response to the retirement population increases, human life expectancy and the labor shortage caused by low birth rate acceleration, many countries have proposed the policy reform to raises the retirement age. 为应对退休人口数量增加、人类寿命延长以及由少子化加速引起的劳动力短缺,各国纷纷提出延长退休年龄的政策改革。
In order to confirm the loss, the author calculates retirement pension replacement rate from the perspective of social security actuarial method. 为了证实这种损失,笔者以退休当年养老金替代率为目标变量,从社会保障精算角度进行测算。
Through the comparison of three kinds of security models, the transition leads to the older migrant workers cannot enjoy social security retirement income because of the limitation to the number of years. The pension replacement rate of the other migrant workers presents a low level. 通过三种保障模式的比较得出,制度转轨因为缴费年限的限制,导致大龄农民工退休后无法享受到社保收益,其他一部分农民工养老金替代率也因此呈现出较低的水平。
Then we set up an overlapping generation model that has introduce postponing retirement policy, integrate the individual, business and government behavior to determine the optimal retirement age and insurance replacement rate that maximize the social welfare. 接下来建立了一个允许个人选择延迟退休的跨期叠代模型,在社会福利最大化下综合个人、企业以及政府的行为,确定最优延迟退休率以及最优的社会统筹养老保险替代率。
Point out that deferring retirement age especially female one is a feasible way to increase the substitution rate. Meanwhile, increasing the proportion of abroad investment and improving the management are the reasonable ways to raise investment rate of the endowment insurance fund. 指出适度延后退休年龄特别是女性退休年龄是提高基本养老金替代率的可行办法,另外增加社保基金的境外投资比率并加强管理也是提高养老金替代率的可靠途径。